Friday, January 29, 2010

Now that Snow Leopard is on the prowl, thoughts turn to what Mac OS 10.7 might be called.

When it was announced that Mac OS 10.6 would be christened “Snow Leopard,” there was some speculation that Apple was running out of big cat names for its OS X versions. OS X 10.1 was Puma, 10.2 Jaguar, 10.3 Panther, 10.4 Tiger, 10.5 Leopard, and 10.6 is Snow Leopard.

More likely is that Apple wanted to emphasize that 10.6 would not be a major new features upgrade (hence the relatively modest price of $29.95), but rather pretty much a code-slimming and streamlining revision of OS 10.5 Leopard, with Power PC support excised. That would make a name somewhat similar to OS 10.5 logical (although the Snow Leopard is actually a completely different species from Leopard).

There’s no danger of Apple running out of cat names anytime soon. According to one wild cat species resource site, there are 36 distinct species of non-domestic cats, although some are concededly so obscure that they wouldn’t be suitable for an operating system moniker (Jaguarundi, anyone?).

One cat name I like is Cougar, although an objection might be that it’s a synonym for Puma, which has already been used for OS 10.1, but then so is Panther in its North American context. The largest wild cat species on this continent is variously known as Cougar, Puma, Mountain Lion, Panther, Painter, and Catamount plus reportedly several dozen other less-widely used names that have been recorded across North and South America.

If Apple wanted a particularly exotic variant, they might consider Eastern Cougar, referencing cats some contend still range in small numbers east of the Mississippi River in the U.S., and Canada — an assertion that remains to be scientifically verified.

Perhaps the most likely not-yet-used for an OS X version would be Cheetah, with the positive association of being the fastest animal on the planet. Running flat out, the fastest horses might hit about 43 miles per hour, while a cheetah can touch 70 MPH in short bursts. Earlier this month a cheetah named Sarah, whose home is the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, broke the world cheetah speed record in the 100-meter dash , covering the distance in 6.16 seconds — .06 seconds off the previous record set in 2001 by a cheetah living in South Africa.

Other Mac OS name candidates would be Ocelot, a primarily South and Central American cat that also ranges into Mexico and as far north as Texas, and the medium-sized North American Lynx and Bobcat. There’s Wildcat too, a name used by Grumman for a World War II vintage naval fighter aircraft, and of course “the king of beasts” — Lion, which for some reason hasn’t

When it was announced that Mac OS 10.6 would be christened “Snow Leopard,” there was some speculation that Apple was running out of big cat names for its OS X versions. OS X 10.1 was Puma, 10.2 Jaguar, 10.3 Panther, 10.4 Tiger, 10.5 Leopard, and 10.6 is Snow Leopard.

More likely is that Apple wanted to emphasize that 10.6 would not be a major new features upgrade (hence the relatively modest price of $29.95), but rather pretty much a code-slimming and streamlining revision of OS 10.5 Leopard, with Power PC support excised. That would make a name somewhat similar to OS 10.5 logical (although the Snow Leopard is actually a completely different species from Leopard).

There’s no danger of Apple running out of cat names anytime soon. According to one wild cat species resource site, there are 36 distinct species of non-domestic cats, although some are concededly so obscure that they wouldn’t be suitable for an operating system moniker (Jaguarundi, anyone?).

One cat name I like is Cougar, although an objection might be that it’s a synonym for Puma, which has already been used for OS 10.1, but then so is Panther in its North American context. The largest wild cat species on this continent is variously known as Cougar, Puma, Mountain Lion, Panther, Painter, and Catamount plus reportedly several dozen other less-widely used names that have been recorded across North and South America.

If Apple wanted a particularly exotic variant, they might consider Eastern Cougar, referencing cats some contend still range in small numbers east of the Mississippi River in the U.S., and Canada — an assertion that remains to be scientifically verified.

Perhaps the most likely not-yet-used for an OS X version would be Cheetah, with the positive association of being the fastest animal on the planet. Running flat out, the fastest horses might hit about 43 miles per hour, while a cheetah can touch 70 MPH in short bursts. Earlier this month a cheetah named Sarah, whose home is the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, broke the world cheetah speed record in the 100-meter dash , covering the distance in 6.16 seconds — .06 seconds off the previous record set in 2001 by a cheetah living in South Africa.

Other Mac OS name candidates would be Ocelot, a primarily South and Central American cat that also ranges into Mexico and as far north as Texas, and the medium-sized North American Lynx and Bobcat. There’s Wildcat too, a name used by Grumman for a World War II vintage naval fighter aircraft, and of course “the king of beasts” — Lion, which for some reason hasn’t

OS X Liger?

OS X Liger?

Cat and Dog names

Cat and Dog names

Collection of puppy and kitten names

Have a new addition in your family?

You find a lost puppy or just trying to come up with that perfect name for your favorite pet?

Every pet owner knows that finding the right dog or cat names can be very difficult. Our site purpose to help to find a good names for your pet.

In a following pages, you can search for names from over 8000 cat and dog names. We organized our names into specific lists and categories. So, finding a good cat or dog names will be easy as ever.

Consider the following important naming tips:

- Make a short-list of preferred names.
- Keep it simple, as possible.
- A couple of syllable names are best.
- Try to choose a name that is easily recognized.
- Is the name easy to call out?
- Base the name on how your pet acts!
- Names shouldn't sound like standard instructions˙ (eg. Sit, stay ..etc.)
- Try it out. When you find a name you like, give it a test run for a few day.
- If it feels natural, keep it! Otherwise, try the next name on your list.
- If your darling is adopted, try and keep the name your pet already owns.

Puppy names logo Dog Names

Dog names image Dog names by breed or country of origin. Huge collection of German, French, Irish, Scottish, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Alaskan dog names. Check our list about the most popular female and male dog names, hunting names, pirate names. Find rare and unique names for your puppy.

Kitten names logo Cat Names
Cat names image
Find cat names based on color (black, white, tuxedo), gender and other features. Cat names for small cats, long haired kittens. Mixed breed cat and stray cat names. List of most popular girl and boy kitten names and some important information what you need to know before adopting a cat.

What is the scientific name for a cat

In: Cats, Cheetahs, Tigers [Edit categories] Felis domesticus.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis > Wiki Answers > Categories > Animal Life > Pets > Cats > What is the scientific name for a cat?

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If any of these are not a genuine rephrasing of the question, please help out and edit these alternates.
Scientific namen of cat? Scientific anme for A CAT? Scientific name of cat fish? Egyptian cat scientific name? The scientific name for cat'? Scientific name forhouse cat? What is a cat's scientific name? Does a cat have a scientific name? What is te scientific name of cat? Write the scientific name for cat? Scientific name of the cat familly? Scientific two part name for a cat? What is the scientific mane of cat? What is the scientific name 4 a cat? What isa the scientific name of cat? Whats the scientific name for a cat? Wht is the scientific name for a cat? What is the sceientific term for cat? What you the scientific name for cat? What is the scientific names for cat?
Species: Felis domesticus

Names for Kittens

Cat names are a vast and interesting domain. Explore through the twists and turns of this domain. Name your cat with a unique name and make it a member of your household. Naming cat is a personal decision. There are so many kittens names to choose from. Often a perfect name pops up in your mind. It requires a little inspiration to name your cat in your own way. Name your feline companion with a unique name. If you want some innovative and uncommon names for your male and female cats, please read this article. We would provide you a list of male and female cat names that are cute and dainty, which would certainly give you an idea and then depending on the breed, color and characteristics of the cat, you can name your kittens.

The cat’s domestic and wild have intrigued man for thousands of years, and throughout that time the relationship of these animals with man has varied widely. Man has valued cats as hunters, worshiped them as gods, and sacrificed them as demons. Whatever their fortunes, however the animals have survived and still hold great fascination for humans. They have often been used as symbols of beauty, grace, mystery, and power, and they have been favorite subjects for many artists and writers.

Today, the domestic cat (house kittens) is second only to the dog in popularity as a house pet. No one knows exactly how many domestic cats there are in the United States, but researchers estimate that more than 30 million are owned as pets. There is no way to estimate the numbers of homeless cats that roam about freely as feral animals (those that had been tame but have returned to living in a wild state). There probably are many millions of such cats wandering about in the streets and alleys of cities and towns across the country.

Kittens are in the order of carnivorous animals, Carnivores, and make up the cat family, Felidae. There are six genera in the family: Felis, Lynx, Neofelis, Uncia, Acinonyx, and Panthera. The domestic, or house, cat is genus Felis. The scientific names for the wild cats are given in the illustrated table with this article. The big, or great, cats make up the genus Panther. For information about these cats, see the articles Lion, Tiger, Leopard, and Jaguar.

All cats, large or small, have the same general proportions of body and the same food habits. All are carnivores (meat eaters) and kill their own food. Depending on the size of the cat, this food ranges from small mice and birds up to large zebras, deer, antelope, and cattle. Any animal which the kitten is large and strong enough to kill will serve for food. Cats do not run their victims down, as do wolves, but stalk them and then pounce on them. Sometimes they rush for a short distance at high speed to leap upon their prey.

A cat has soft cushioned toes on which it moves very silently. It also has five sharp I pointed claws on each of its front feet and four on each of its hind feet. With these it seizes, claws, and tears its victim, while it bites at the throat with its teeth.

The cats tongue is covered with tiny hard growths called papillae, which make the tongue feel rough to the touch. The pupil of the eye is opened wide in dull light or darkness, and in bright light is reduced to a narrow vertical (up and down) slit. From the sides of the mouth grow long, heavy whiskers.

The sounds made by cats are mewing, purring, howling, and screaming. Some of the large cats, such as the lion and tiger, often roar, while the jaguar and leopard utter a sound described as a hoarse cough or bark. One interesting thing about these four cats is that because of a difference in the formation of certain bones in the throat, they do not purr.

photo gallery - Funny Cats

Cat NamesCat NamesCat Names

Cat Names

This is the largest list of catnames on the internet. It now contains 16927 cat names. Looking for a name for your kitty? Use the "show 25 random names" button and then click a name to zoom in on variations. Is your cat on the list? Enter it's name and click the "Search" button.

The complete list:
Aaargh - Azzul
Baba - BZBug
Cabaret - Czar
Daedalus - Dzindzine
Eamon - Ezra
Faberette - Fyvush
Gaazh - Gyzmo
Haagendaz - Hyzen
Iago - Izzy
Jabba - Jzero
Kaboodle - Kzif
Laana - Lyzen
Maalox - Mytsz
Nabbenna - Nytrogen
Oaf - Ozzy
Pab - Pâté
Qana - Qwilleran
Raaee - Ryon
Saab - Syracuse
Tab - Tzitzulica
Ubas - Uzo
Vaca - Vulcan
Wabba - Wysiwyg
Xabier - Xylophone
Yago - Yushamishi
Zabaglione - ZzZzZzZz
Enter a catname and click the button:
A great way to find new catnames:

Add your cat's name

Do you have a catname that's not on the list? Enter it here and I'll add it. Please check first if the name is on the list already by using the "Search"-button (see above).

Enter as many catnames as you like. Extra information is appreciated (but not required), such as the meaning of the catname, how you thought of it, or where you found the name. Please note that you will not get a confirmation by email when the name is added, it would take too much of my time.

Catname(s) and optional background info:

All submissions are eyeballed before adding, so don't bother submitting abusive names. It may take some time before your catname(s) is added to the list, I process them once in a while in batches. I have no information about most of the names in the list and cannot answer questions about their origin.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fun Pets Names

Pet Names

We offer over 20,000 unique pet names. You can browse by origin, gender, breed. We even have celebrity pet names, popular pet names, cute pet names and more. Start looking for the perfect name for your pet today. When you find ones that you want to save to view later, you can add it to your very own favorites list. If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact us. Enjoy!

Browse by Alphabet Male Pet Names Female Pet Names
Chrisha The beaer of chri... American
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Gaheris Sons of Lot Arthurian Legen
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Marleigh Marshy meadow. Al... English
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Bella Devoted to God Hebrew
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Hedy Warfare. Variant ... German
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Rossiter Red. Surname. Scottish
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Blondell Fair-haired: blon... French
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Criston Follower of Chris... Spanish
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Evika Life Hebrew
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Jeramiah God will uplift:e... Hebrew
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Doane From the down hill English
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Cleit Rocky eminence Scottish
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Halton From the hillslop... English
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Aguistin Majestic Irish
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Dillen Like a lion. French
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Madee Madée. Second dau... Bali
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Top 10
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Morold Prince killed by ... Arthurian Legen
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Slade From the valley English
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Ynes Chaste. Variant o... French
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Baylie Courtyard within ... French
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Inghinn Daughter Scottish
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Whiz O
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Lansa Lance (Hopi) Native American
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Iliana Variant of Elena. Spanish
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Catriona Variant of Kather... Irish
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Ammitai Truth Hebrew
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Cool, Greek, Ro
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Cambrie Angel American
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Dayveon Dear one. Alterna... Unknown
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Mykaela Who is like the l... Unknown
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Nanelia Grace Hebrew
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Chait Catlike Scottish
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Lothair Fighter French
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Augustine Majestic dignity:... German
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Eda Wealthy Anglo-Saxon
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Morgen Morning German
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Princess Tiffany
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Sheridan Bright. English
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Gweneth Blessed Celtic
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