Having the right discus fish care information is important. If you’re not careful when it comes to keeping discus fish, you could potentially kill them.
Discus are beautiful fish. I know that you are aware of that already. And they are very delicate creatures. If the water or pH isn’t right, your fish will start to stress.
Click here to learn how I raised my beautiful discus fish
That’s why it’s so important to know exactly what to do when taking care of discus. With the proper nutrition, the right aquarium, and environment, your discus fish will grow and become beautiful.
It’s actually easy to raise and keep discus. And if you’re into breeding your own discus, that’s easy too. You just need to know what to do.
There’s a guide that will show you how to raise your discus, just like it’s helped me and other discus fish keepers.
It’s a guaranteed way to raise and keep beautiful discus fish.
Click here to learn how to properly care for your discus fish.
So, if you want to have gorgeous fish like me and thousands of other discus keepers, you should use the discus fish guide that me and thousands of other discus owners used. It’s guaranteed to help you.
Click here for discus fish care guide that will help you raise beautiful discus
Discus Fish Keeping Tips
It can be challenging at times to keep discus fish. Keeping discus fish free of diseases and maintaining their general health can be especially difficult. You may be uncertain about the steps you need to take to protect your fish from disease. I have a few discus fish keeping suggestions that I will tell you about. After reading this, you will be familiar with the techniques of discus fish keeping.
The suggestions for discus fish care are as follows:
1. First of all, you must keep the young discus fish together in a group. The size of the group should number no less than six fish. Discus are shoaling animals, so this is why they must group together. For your animals to maintain their health and be happy in their surroundings, this needs to be done. Other species of fish can be put in with your discus fish, if you like.
2. The water in the aquarium must be kept very clean, and no chlorine or heavy metals should be present. A water purifier will function in this capacity for you. If the water from your tap is of excellent quality, you can use it. Do not place your aquarium near heavy traffic areas in your home. The fish will become stressed, which will compromise their immune systems, making them more prone to disease.
3. Suggestion number three is to give your discus fish blood worms, pellets, or flakes to eat. They can eat pork hearts and beef hearts, as well. Schedule the times that they are fed consistently, so that they know when they will be fed and will fall into a routine.
Breeding Discus Fish
Most fresh water fish can be bred very easily. However, the discus fish is a notable exception. Because it is really particular about its breeding partner and has high maintenance needs, it can be a difficult species to breed. Especially when it comes to discus fish care. In case you are looking for some tips on breeding discus fish, just read on.
1. You need to keep discus fish in a tank which can hold at least 10 gallons of water. This will allow enough room for four fishes. Keeping any less may make the discus fish really unhappy because it is keen on socializing. You can keep two male and two females for increasing the chances of breeding.
2. Try to keep the water clean at all times and so you can look to change a part of it every day. Clean surroundings can help the discus fish to concentrate on a breeding partner.
3. Ensure that the water remains at a temperature of about 80 degrees. A fluorescent tank-lamp can help maintain this temperature. You should also monitor the temperature regularly with a thermometer.
4. The next tip on breeding discus is to watch out for behavioral changes in the fishes. A pair of fish intent on breeding may start to clean an area in the tank to lay eggs. You need to shift them to a breeding tank.
What is most likely happen next is:
1. The fish will lay eggs which the male will fertilize.
2. The breeding parents will feed and tend the babies.
By using these tips on breeding discus fish you may find that it is not so difficult after all!
Discus Fish Care Information
Adorning your aquarium with many attractive species of fishes can be a great way to deck up your living room. And when it comes to beautiful fishes, you simply cannot ignore the discus fish. If you are not aware, you may want to read on to find some useful discus fish care information.
The discus came to the fore as an aquarium fish in the 20’s and its popularity has grown by leaps and bounds since then. It is a South American Cichlid and can be found in three varieties which are:
* The common discus,
* The heckel discus &
* A new species which has been scientifically named as symphysodon tarzoo.
The physical features of the discus fish are:
* A disc-shaped body with dorsal and anal fins reaching the tail.
* An 8-10 inch body diameter of adult fishes
* Various patterns of colors and markings on the body surface. Selective breeding has led to the creation of stunningly beautiful discus.
The Amazon River is the original home of the discus fish. They are found in:
* Calmer portions of the river
* Places where the water is clean, acidic, soft and warm.
Here is some discus fish keeping information relating to their behavior:
* They tend to move in groups which are smaller than regular schools of fishes.
* They can recognize you after being in your aquarium for a while.
* They also take an active part in raising their fry, unlike most other fishes.
Now that you have so much discus fish care information, you must try to get some for your aquarium. You will surely fall in love with them!
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