Aquarium fish keeping has a long history and has been a relaxing hobby for centuries. The ancient Chinese (Song Dynasty) is the first civilization thought to have kept aquarium fish for ornamental purposes. Even earlier than the Chinese though, civilizations were keeping plenty of fish in various types of holding containers for food purposes. We've come along way since then and hopefully we can help others enjoy this great hobby.
Below you will find our freshwater tropical fish tank and saltwater tropical fish tank beginner guides that will help you with your pet fish along the way. Hopefully, the aquarium beginner guides will help you learn the basics. For example, we hope you'll learn that you need to do some research before buying fish. Doing research before you purchase your fish will prevent you from doing really short sighted things with your aquarium, such as trying to stuff a pacu fish into a 10 gallon fish tank, cramping a goldfish in a small goldfish bowl, putting big fish into a small tank, putting small fish in with larger more aggressive species or putting multiple male betta fish in the same fish tank! These are obviously things we want to avoid and hopefully we can help get you going on the right track.
On the left side of the page is the main navigation that will take you to more areas all about fish. Along the right side is a listing of tropical fish profiles for both freshwater fish and saltwater fish. If you have trouble finding something, use the search box at the top right of the page.
We now have a FREE Fish Picture gallery that anyone can use to post their fish and aquarium photos. If you think you have a good image of your fish tank or your pet fish, enter it in the monthly photo contests. Winners will be announced at the end of each month. Check it out!
Saltwater Aquarium Fish Beginner's Guide
- Reverse Osmosis and Deionization
- Saltwater Aquarium Live Rock
- Reef Tank Setup
- Refugium Setup
- Aquarium Water Test Kits
- Ultra-Violet (UV) Sterilizer Information
- Aquarium Lighting Overview
- Protein Skimmer Reviews
- Aquarium Chiller Information
- Saltwater Aquarium Setup
- Nano Cube Setup
- Saltwater Aquarium Types
Freshwater Aquarium - Tropical Fish Beginner's Guide
- Freshwater Aquarium Setup
- The Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle
- Tropical Fish Tips and Hints
- How To Set Up A Quarantine Tank
- Good First Easy Fish For Beginners
- Cloudy Aquarium Water
- Small Fish Tank Setup
- How To Acclimate Fish To Your Tank
- Aquarium Videos
Recent Saltwater Fish Tank & Freshwater Fish Tank Care and Aquarium Articles
Marine Invertebrates - 500 Species Pocket Guide
A new aquarium book review on saltwater invertebrates. It's a pocket guide but don't let the size dissuade you from checking it out.Aquarium Algae Control
Provides information on algae control in the aquarium.Lost In Reefs
A new ocean themed underwater adventure game. This is a classic match three game that has tons of levels.Protein Skimmer
What is a protein skimmer and do you really need one on your saltwater aquarium?Acanthastrea Coral
A LPS coral that even in 2009 still commands high prices for some reason. We give you the general care info on the Acanthastrea spp. corals.Candy Cane Coral
A new coral profile on the candy cane coral, Caulastrea furcata. This could be considered a good first LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral if you've never kept LPS corals before.Octopus 800s Protein Skimmer
The latest aquarium equipment review on a relatively new protein skimmer called the Octopus 800s skimmer. This is a hang on the tank skimmer.Coral Reef Zones
Explains some of the most terms or names used when referring to areas on the coral reefs. This info can be important when researching corals for the home aquarium.Maxi Jet 1200 Mod
We test and review the often talked about Maxi Jet mod.Calcium Reactor
What exactly is a calcium reactor and do I need to use one for my saltwater reef tank?Green Bubble Algae
This bubble algae can be a nuisance in saltwater aquariums. We talk about how to control this pest!The Inspired Aquarium
A review of the aquarium book The Inspired Aquarium which is geared towards those wanting to hone their creativity skills when building, designing and aquascaping an aquarium.JBJ Mini Arctica Chiller
Another aquarium equipment review on the JBJ Mini Arctica Titanium Chiller.Corals Reference Guide
We review another saltwater reef tank keeper's book on corals.The Nano-Reef Handbook
Fish Lore reviews a relatively recent book on keeping nano-reef tanks.Endless Ocean
We review a Nintendo Wii game called Endless Ocean. This is a unique game that places you in the role of a marine scuba diver. You get to explore and catalog the species of a fictional reef location called Manoa Lai. Is it worth the $30 bucks?Hydor FLO Rotating Powerhead Wavemaker
Fish Lore reviews an add-on for powerheads that creates wave type conditions by rotating using the water flow coming out of the powerhead.Book of Coral Propagation
A reef tank keeper's book or for anyone interested in keeping corals. Is this a good book for your library?Tunze Nano Protein Skimmer
A review of the Tunze protein skimmer that can be used in nano tanks.Freshwater vs. Saltwater Aquarium
An aquarium article on the differences and costs associated with running these two types of aquarium setups. Geared toward those freshwater fish keepers thinking about getting into the saltwater aquarium side of the hobby.Going on Vacation - Your Aquarium and Fish
Pages dedicated to fish forum avatars. We're working on making more animated gifs, but it takes a little longer for the animated images. We recently added more freshwater and saltwater images to the avatar pages.
What do you need to do before you leave and things to keep in mind when it comes to keeping your fish alive and aquarium running.Fun Fish Games!
FishCo - Another great aquarium simulation game that lets you raise fish, breed fish and then sell them in your fish store! Fun stuff.
Insaniquarium - Insane Aquarium - A big fish game that is a lot of fun! Feed fish, take on aliens, what more could you want in an aquarium game?
Fish Tycoon - This fish game takes place in real time (you can also speed up the clock with tricks) where you can breed fish, feed fish and then sell them in your fish shop. Way cool.Don't forget to bookmark us (CTRL-D) or click Bookmark Fish Lore before you go!
The main goal of is to present accurate saltwater and freshwater tropical fish and aquarium information in a way that everyone can understand. If you feel some of the fish and aquarium information on this website should be updated or changed, please let us know!
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